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Update iPhone and keep secure from Hackers and Fix Wi-Fi Flaw

iphone wifi password

Hackers can take over Apple devices because of its poor WiFi security. Even hackers can crash Apple devices. So Apple now introducing new updates for iPhone security.

Apple has released new updates for security that will fix necessary problems within Wi-Fi Chip. By using new updates you can secure your phone while it was searching for  a connection.

Hacker can crash your phone whenever you will switch on your WiFi connection, they can take over the chip that powers WiFi and then they can crash your device. Other smartphones also were affected by this problem. Samsung and HTC also have affected by this problem. Apple give update about 46 flaws in its operating system iOS 10. They involve bugs in Notifications, Safari, Messages and Contacts. Apple users should apply new update to their i Phones for keep their devices secure from hackers and cyber criminals.

Steps for keep your iPhone secure from hackers

Use Complex pass-code
 Users should apply long and secure pass-code to keep their phone secure. To apply this pass-code go to Settings, then press “Touch ID & Pass-code” and turn “simple pass-code” off. Now you can use more complex pass-code with using numbers, symbols and upper and lowercase letters.

Use Fingerprint reader or PIN

You should use secure way to protect your data and other apps features by on your Fingerprint reader and PIN.

Activate Self destruct

You should also use this feature when someone is applying wrong pass-code or trying to break your pass-code. Go to Setting enable “erase data”. This feature will erase your data when someone will give maximum 10 incorrect guesses at the PIN.

Turn off Notifications

Mostly people enable that feature even when your phone will be lock the notifications of your messages, whats app or facebook will be show on desktop. This feature can help you to reply soon without open your lock. So for privacy you should also off this feature whether your phone is lock or not. It will secure your phone by others and keep your privacy on.

Privacy settings enable

Keep your privacy on. Go to setting then “Privacy” tab. Here you can on/off or enable/disable your notifications and other apps.

When Locked Siri Disable

You should Off Siri because it can leak your data whatever your phone is locked or not. Go to Setting then press “Touch ID & pass-code” and set “Allow access when locked” on Siri to Off.

Nitay Artenstein from Exodus Intelligence discovered this Wifi problem. There was some other problems in iOS and Google’s Project Zero researchers discover it but Apple has fixed these all problems now.
Apple is also conscious about their operating system they introduced and update new features daily to secure your phone and for fix problems.

iPhone advise its users to download latest version when they will update to secure their devices. New update bring new securities, strong pass-code, and other unique privacy for its users. iPhone update its new software iOS 11 for iPhone 8. The latest software includes, phone to phone Apply pay, notifications setting, and a “do not disturb while driving” mode.


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Update iPhone and keep secure from Hackers and Fix Wi-Fi Flaw